What's on at St John's Place

Book your community event or activity at St John's Place and we will advertise it here for free!  

Weekly events

Bemerton Live Fridays

Social coffee mornings with gentle exercise classes aimed at the over 55s, in the wonderful setting of St John's Place - try a new activity, meet new friends and stay mobile.  
Doors open 10:15, class starts at 10:30.  Everyone welcome. Coffee and biscuits after class.
Cost £7, first session is free, so why not give it a try?
The programme for June/July is given below and can be downloaded at this link.

Weekly yoga sessions

A number of instructors have regular yoga classes in St John's Place.  Details of classes, and contact details for instructors, are given on their websites, see below:
Claire Sankey (Monday mornings 9:30 a.m., Tuesday evenings 8:30 pm) see https://www.clairesankey.com/yoga-in-salisbury
Susan Stephenson (Tuesday evenings 6:30 pm) see https://susanstephensonyoga.co.uk/times-and-classes/
Jo Coleman (Thursday evenings 6:00 pm and7:45 pm) see https://yogasalisbury.co.uk/classes-and-prices/

Monthly and one off Events

Wednesday 24th July

Salisbury Military History Society 

Doors open 7:00pm, talk starts at 7:30pm
Flying to the Sun: A Modern Englishman in Medieval Japan

Michael Jay, a British Airways long-haul pilot now retired from flying the Boeing 747-400 from London’s Heathrow Airport, has combined his flying career with a lifelong study of Japan and, in particular, its martial culture. His work and fascination since childhood with the martial arts of both England and Japan has taken him to Japan nearly four hundred times to fly, study, train and teach. Uniquely, Michael holds the samurai rank of Group Commander in the Soma Wild Horse Chase, a unique three-day celebration of samurai horsemanship. Michael is also a master swordsman of Japan’s premier martial tradition, Tenshin Shōden Katori Shintō Ryū. Michael holds black belt ranks in several other Japanese martial arts, is a firearms instructor qualified by the prestigious Smith & Wesson Academy, and served 17 years in London’s Metropolitan Police Special Constabulary, receiving the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal for police service. His audiences have included The Royal Armouries, The Tower of London, Oxford University, Eton College, Keio University, The Japan Society, et al, together with lectures as the guest speaker on cultural cruises around Japan.

Michael’s talk will explain the practice and ethos of the truly classical martial arts of Japan including the massive differences between them and the modern so-called martial arts as practised, but often corrupted, in the West. There will be a short film and a practical demonstration of the sword and weapons techniques of the Katori Shinto Ryu, a unique Cultural Treasure rarely seen outside Japan.

For more details about further talks and membership please refer to the SMHS website https://salisburymilhist.com 

Friday 26th July

Salisbury Dancers

6:30 - 8:30pm
For those who want to get moving and active, and who are missing those old tracks from the past! Come to one of Fiona's over 50's dance sessions for fun & the joy of movement; no judgements, no dressing up, socialise only if you want to - and move your own way, when the music takes you - tracks from the 60's to the 90's to remind you of old times. 
More information on the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/496669182415535
Refreshments provided, tickets just £5 each. Places are limited so please contact Fiona fi@vitalimpact.co.uk or call or text 07803 535431

Thursday 1st August

Rest, Destress and Reconnect

- a relaxation retreat

7:00 - 9:00pm
* A 2 -hour evening session with Claire, a journey of blissful candlelit Meditation, Breathwork, Restorative Yoga (very gentle) and Yoga Nidra (a guided lying down relaxation).  Followed by herbal tea, treats and community connection.                 
* Suitable for beginners and all bodies that deserve a good rest.
* Tickets are £20 or £18 for yoga class regulars.
* Find out more and book tickets here: https://www.clairesankey.com/all-events

Friday 2nd August

Candlelit relaxing Soundbath

6:45 - 7:45pm
Soundbaths are a great way to switch off, reduce feelings of stress, anxiety or worry, calm the mind and feel relaxed: people often say they sleep well afterwards as well. 
Booking now open for this session with Gemma in St John's Place. 
Spaces are limited and no previous experience necessary.  For more info or to book your space please visit Gemma's website or call 01722 632155.

Wednesday 14th August

Bemerton Film Society

Doors open 7:00pm, Programme starts 7:30pm

Queen of Katwe

2016 - PG Certificate - USA - 2 hours 4 minutes - Director: Mira Nair

Starring: Madina Nalwanga as Phiona Mutesi, David Oyelowo as Robert Katende, Lupita Nyong’o as Nakku Harriet

Ten year old Phiona lives in Kampala’s Katwe slum with her mother, life revolving around the need to earn a living selling maize in the market. Then one day she meets missionary Robert Katende, who teaches her to play chess. She quickly proves to be a hugely talented player, and life will never be the same again. 

Wednesday 28th August

Salisbury Military History Society 

Doors open 7:00pm, talk starts at 7:30pm
For more details about further talks and membership please refer to the SMHS website https://salisburymilhist.com 

Wednesday 18th September

Bemerton Talks

Doors open 7:00pm, talk starts 7:30pm
Helen Roberts:  The Australian hillside badge at Fovant
And coming up....
• 16th October Noted local historian John Chandler on Salisbury history
• 20th November Kate Walter will speak on Arundells